Chicken OR Egg?

Sis was arguing with me, that Operations are far MORE important than Sales. Obviously, we are both from the different sides. Like everyone else I've ever known from the Backoffice, Operations, Production, etc, etc...everyone keeps saying that theirs are the MOST important of all.

Chicken? Egg?

Egg? Chicken?

How about omellete? :D

She complained that Sales people are too selfish and bring back sh*t too often for operations to clean up. *ahem* Well, that's because there are GOOD and BAD sales people. Those that brings sh*t = BAD sales people.

But that's besides the point.

If there are no SALES, there will be no work. SIMPLE. You can have an excellent team of operational people, but with no SALES, there are simply no work to do!

How can one undermine the importance of sales people? Without them, there will be no customers....and there will be no work for operations. Don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that operations are not important. They are important, as they support the business. But not the MOST important.

Unlike SALES. :) The REAL VIP in business.


littleComma said...

hhahaha ... okay VIP, come to my house during cny, okay? :)Happy cny !

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