Men Loves Shopping too!

If you have been to a PC fair event, you will find it true! So so true! Hundreds, if not thousands of men found at the KL Convention Centre - busy checking out the latest technology, bargaining (yes, they do!) and testing the gadgets, etc, etc. My brother, can spend hours in a PC fair! HOURS!

It has been so many years since I last went to a PC fair, and my recent trip is really an eye-opener. From notebooks to GPS to cameras, you can hardly find a clone PC booth nowadays. Maybe it's the rental? Hmm, probably...

One thing for sure, you can see pretty babes almost everywhere! So, who is saying PC Fair is boring? And when I did a search on PC Fair, can even find collections of the PC Babes photos..Here's one that I found:

And yes, you can view more at this tomyam website =P

Thing is, how can men said they don't understand SHOPPING and WOMEN?! Clearly at PC fair, they are doing the same thing as we do!! My hubby whom always tells me he can't understand why we need to walk few shops to buy a pair of shoes......can now go to few shops to buy a PC. Select this, try that,compare the brands of graphic cards, and compare prices....again and again. And there I was, sitting and almost fall asleep....although the PC is for me =P

So, who says MEN don't love shopping!!


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