Sad to say Goodbye

Today will be the last day Cecil work at our Manila office. She have her own reasons leaving the company, reasons that I think I would understand, after working for so many years. But it is sad.

The first time I met Cecil was in Shanghai during one of our Management meeting. It was an unbelievable experience!! Apart from the usual lunch, dinner, etc - we went for a spa and all the girls, including Cecil were sitting in the hot sauna room. Haha, I still remember how we try not to look at each other and act normal :P

Our next meeting in Manila was hosted by Cecil's office. She made such wonderful arrangement that all of us agreed, it raised our standards (after all these years). Her team spoke fondly of her, and from the various skype chats we had, Cecil is indeed a wonderful person. Very, very thoughtful person.

I am so blessed to have known her :) I can only wish her all the best in her future endeavour. Hopefully, I can find the time to travel to MNL and have coffee with her soon!


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